Tuesday, June 2, 2009


2) ITB

oh no, so much things to do and so little time.. haiz. should do my best to settle everything asap.

there was once a girl who thought that she had found it. found the one that she was looking for. She felt that his the one for her, the one that would always make her day shine and her heart flutter with happiness.

She almost fainted the day that guy asked her out. Sadly, things were not meant to be, after being together for one year two months, it all ended.

That fateful day began like no others. The guy brought her out, out to shop along orchard road and to watch a movie later on. That night, after everything is done and they were on their way home, the things that the guy has been wanting to say since that morning came bursting out of him when they were alone at her house void deck.

Looking into her eyes and holding her hands, he told her, "Girl, its over.." With a puzzled expression on her face, she ask him, " what are you talking about? Whats over?" He just replied with one word as he turn and slowly step away from her, "us".

Her mind reeling, she grab for him and was gently push away. Her mind scream "this was not what she had wanted, this was not the ending she had imagined." Her fears turn into agony in her heart which translated to the tears sliding down her face as she sobbed without restrain. All she could manage was a heartfelt, "why?"

the guy answered, gently as if the tears on her face had shown him how fragile she was, "we cant be together, the feelings gone, its over". and with that sentence, he turn and walk away. walk away from their memories, from the months spent together, from the days spent together, from the hours they spent in each others company.

Each memory of their time spent together seem crystal clear now, as if they suddenly had a life of their own. it shone through her tears, and make her painfully aware of how much he had meant to her, of how much he matters to her life.

But, all she could do was stand there forlornly with the tears streaming down her face and watch as he slowly walk out of her life.

thats the girls side of the story. lol.. theres a reason as to why i suddenly post something like that.. but i would only reveal it in time to come.. oh well.. reading that make me think abt a lot of stuff again and realise that sometimes, things in life is not as they seem..

1 comment:

  1. ah boy arh, go write novel. Can describe so well. hire me to print and make the books hor...


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