Saturday, September 5, 2009

before the light goes out

woke up in the morning due to a call,

Ms Sue Pang: hello tony, this is your ITB lecturer.. the file that you have saved inside Ameer's disc isn't there. You need to come down to school today to meet me and pass me your file. It must be by today as i want to finish everything by today..
Tony: huh??? who are you?
Ms Sue Pang: Melvin need to meet me too, so you two meet up and than give me a call, i live near dover so when you guys reach, call me and i will come down.. thats all, bye..
Tony: bye

and fell back to my sleep.. woke up like 1 hour later and gave a call to melvin, finally realise what that call was about and arrange to meet him at two pm.. got up and started making calls to DBF class Chair.. settled the MAD camp stuff in the end.. washed up and went out to meet Melvin, after meeting Ms Pang, went mambo to play pool with him.. spent like one hour there before heading over to the gym.. got home like 3 hours ago, had my dinner and here i am now typing..

like lazy saturdays like these.. though it wouldnt be like this from monday onwards..

if his that bad, why do girls still like him? why do girls fall head over heels to get close to him.. the experiences of those before u, doesnt count for anything at all? and now that u finally have him, why are you complaining, isn't all these what you wanted? Isn't all these going the way you hoped it would..

the search for the reason why, will end only when she's ready to answer..

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