Sunday, November 15, 2009


if life was easy, wouldnt it be happier?

sticks and stone cant break me but words can cut me to shreds.
if i dont care, what will the world turn into.
if i didnt do all these, than its my fault again.
why cant you seem to understand,
the things i do, i do them for a reason.
"fuck care them", thats what you say.
but if i really did that,
that wouldnt be me anymore right.
so what if i'm on the school honour roll,
when you dont even bother to ask about it.
ever since i make this decision,
u couldnt be less bothered anymore.
i'm already trying my best,
but is it enough to win just a bit of approval.
"check your attitude, its getting from bad to worst"
why am i always the one getting all these?
is any of the things i do wrong at all?
trying to do my best,
to give my all,
to care.
whats wrong with being this way?
now do u ever wonder,
why am i out of the house so much?
why do i love going to camps?

1 comment:

  1. you know you can always share your problems with me de(: i'm always here(:
    it time to apply this on you, "SMILE LAH!"


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