Shaolin Temple, HERE I COME!
Day 1
Reached SP at like 8.40am, saw only 1/3 of my class there.. and all of them brought luggage bag, was really worried cause all i brought was a sports bag. lol.. and besides, they were all like wearing semi formal while i was wearing slacks.. -_-
left SP around 10plus 11am, reached harbourfront and waited all the way till 1plus 2pm.. only got onto SUPERSTAR VIRGO at 2plus! The ship only started sailing at 4pm. Put down my bag in my cabin and immediately went to makan. Due to Ameer's diet restriction, the guys went into the mediterranian to makan, the food was alright, though not that used to it.. lol.. and over the next few days, that place became the place where we would go to find each other if we ever get lost.
after that, there was a safety drill and a bit of games and the YMCA dance, than it was free and easy all the way.. played some mahjong with my classmates and than joined the 06 and 07 guys for some bball on the open deck. it was damm cool to be playing bball on top of the ship. the wind was super strong! attempted a shot and the ball didnt even reached the rim at all, -_- thats how strong the wind was... rachel and pui fun went to bought wine for us, lol.. drank a bit..
slept at around 3am that night.
Day 2
Had breakfast at the mediterranian again and than, some talks by the crew members. couldnt be bothered to really listen, so on my hp recorder and fell asleep for a short while, in the end, ask one question and thats it. around two pm, we arrived in penang and visited G Hotel. got to admit that it was quite stylish and i like the rooms there, though the surrounding areas were not much to admire about.. their honeymoon suite is super interesting. Brought a totally new meaning to the term, open and trust in each other, lol..
didnt have time to shop at gurney plaza after that and we were whisked off to some other local shop where they sell local products. their signiture item was tau sar pia. tasted one mouthful, decided to buy, took a packet, walk three steps and turn back and put them back. remembered that when 2nd aunt and uncle buy them for us, my family don really eat de, so don wanna waste the money. reached back the cruise ship around evening time... was intending to go to bella vista for dinner, in the end, went to mediterranian again.. lol.. played cards in wei siong's room and than went back to sleep around 3am again...
Day 3
woke up in the morning and rushed to prepare for the trip to phuket. got to say that i enjoyed myself more here than in penang. the weather was hotter by 1 or 2 degree celcius. As we were ahead of schedule, the lecturers decided to bring us to visit a local temple. there were lots of dogs there! and they were super cute too! lol.. the statues were beautiful too. did a bit of shopping at the local market there and bought some souvenirs..
after that, proceeded to the prince of songkla university to visit their tourism faculty. took a walk around the school. than, was brought to a hotel for dinner before we were allowed to go and shop at patong beach. The shopping was good, lol.. totally enjoyed the experience. walk past a shop that sell handmatte, like it a lot but luckily i didnt buy. the person was like trying to rip me off, after that, walk to another store and i manage to get what i wanted. a pair of handmatte cost like $50, if i buy in singapore, it will cost like $120 and above. i have still yet to try it out yet, lol.. so not too sure about the quality. bought a pair of shades too..
went back to the cruise after that to prepare for gala night. oh yeah, at the embarking area, there was a mini market too, bought myself a hat there.. lol.. and while waiting for linus, zheng hui, the rain came and i had to run all the way up the ship. got drenched badly.
gala night was a blast, everyone look so formal and presentable and not like our usual self, lol.. 05 guys all wore tux! super surprising, and all the girls were like dolled up and all.. the dinner was so so, but the experience of being there really rocks.. after all the hype, wash up, change into slacks and wonder around the ship, as it was the last night, i didnt sleep till like 6am? had breakfast at the blue lagoon at 3.30am with kok woon and paul. lol.. than wonder around the cruise ship thinking about stuff..
Day 4
bought two photos from the ship, one is the class during gala night and the other is myself with mr penguin! since it was the last day, went to the jacuzzi and soak myself for like one hour, was a red lobster after that. lol.. totally enjoyed myself during this trip. disembarkation was faster and i was off the cruise at around 7.30pm.. decided to have dinner at harbourfront with rachel and only reached home around 11pm. unpacked everything and fell back into bed and slept!
Choosing DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND RESORT MANAGEMENT in SINGAPORE POLYTECHINC was one of the best choice that i have made in my life. For without it, i wouldnt have the chance to go on a cruise and enjoyed myself. I wouldnt have the chance to bond with the class and i would never get to see the back end of the ship and wonder how it works. Thank you to the lectuers and school for organising it for us. Really appreciate it. Was thinking to myself on the cruise, the next time i will be on a cruise will be either with my wife or when i'm like 30plus year old le. So this trip is really special and unique as it was a once in a life time opportunity for me. Had lots of memories there and i wished that the ship could have gone on and on and never end..
I guess thats it ba,
what could have happen,
will never happen,
and it seems that,
the feelings gone..
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