Seems strange that so many things can happen between two person, when both person could be living happily but they are not.. seems even more strange how a fairytale love story could turn into something so wrong.
No matter what happens, it comes down to this question: Either you love or you dont. And once thats sorted out, its easier to continue down the path u have chosen. Until you decide to choose the other option.
Its always true that bystanders see the most clearly, that we are able to know whats going on with both parties. You ask, " If only he knows how much pain i am feeling now for the way his treating me, if only he would care" If he know's, he wouldnt be doing this.. If everyone know what others will feel abou them, than they wouldnt be doing all sorts of things..
He will never know and why should he know what you are feeling? For you are the one feeling it and not him. He might not even care, or he might but because he doesnt wish to be involved anymore, his pulling out..
Cry once, and learn from it.. these thorns in life are there for you to trip over and to hurt yourself on. But once pass, they will provide you with the invaluable lesson that "life goes on".
Thanks Tony :D