Woke up early in the morning and went to school. reached at 11am and saw zh and sl. lol, studied with them and manage to get into the study mood. First class was IHRO. Seriously whats happening to all the lecturers? Not seeing her for 3 weeks and she's a totally change person. Couldnt get any info from her with regards to the upcoming MSTs.
Oh well, cant be bothered. Anyway, its confirm that DTRM Camp will be a 2 Day 1 Night affair. Cant be too bothered or what to argue more for it. Shall make do with what is given already. Hope everything will run smoothly, thats all..
Oh yeah, in FMAH class today. Linus, ZH and Nigel was being super random and asking me about relationship stuff. Within the two hour we manage to cram a piece of paper with all of the nonsensical questions. Quote of the day was "Want woo jiu woo, dont ever regret. Thats the thing." Its quite true anyway. whats the point of looking back when u are 5 years older and start thinking to yourself. What if i had taken that step last time?
FBM Project is a chore, glad that my group was efficient and managed to finish everything up sans mine and nigel's own reflection. Got to hand it to shannon for being super efficient. Thanks yeah!
Now, there's 3 more projects. lets hope everything will be settled asap. MSTs are coming up, got to concentrate and see what can be done. Not been in the best of condition the past few weeks. Hope that everything will turn out fine!
Lastly, went to island cremary with yuduan today. Super random. Ran finish around school, came back, slack in clubhouse for close to one hour. and she decided to kidnap me and go there. -_-, nevertheless, it was refreshing to talk to her. lol, see her so ke lian cant even walk properly after her 25km run last sat so accompanied her home. "Lets go makan some other stuff sometime yeah"
ZH: Believe in yourself yeah!
Linus: Go for it lah. Dont shy shy le
Nigel: Talk more can!
DTRM 04: Look out for the chalet in Sep yeah
U: dont so blur le can
yu duan: Sleep more lah!
thats all i guess. Need to go complete my FBM tutorial, finish the FBM report than read a bit of my gems note for the test tomorrow. Hope it will be ok! :D
Live and enjoy the moment
didnt realise you still update your blog! and its island creamery dumb ass! haha.